Skate Camp

Register for JRSkates Camp, Bentong now!

Decks & Ducks Skatecamp 2023

Register now to be part of the first Skate Camp in Malaysia, located in the scenic Dignity Farm, Bentong!

Limited spaces available!

About Skate Camp

First ever skate camp in Malaysia took place in Dignity Farm Academy over the weekend! Made possible with Vans Malaysia!

Students who were initially afraid of stepping on the skateboards overcame their fears on the first day itself! We witnessed them getting on the boards to skate, fall and pick themselves up again (while having fun!)

The students not only gained a new skill - they gained confidence, lifelong lessons and built a stronger bond with one another through the fun and falls.

The skate camp had various workshops that included art, building, fun and fellowship.

Our strategy in education is always to engage the head, hand and heart for transformative education - and that happened

Special shoutout to the various people for coming together to invest in the next generation!

Youtube video playback here:

What’s included

Skateboarding 101

We will teach the fundamental of skateboarding and also the important values and benefits that make skateboarding great. Beginner skateboarders will become confident and hold a firm foundation in skateboarding while Intermediate boarders will learn new tricks with a focus on leadership.

Art workshop

We have artists who will teach you some artwork such as doodle, making your own sketchbook, mural painting, silkscreen printing on t-shirt and many more. Every camp we will invite few artist to share their tips to you.

Sustainability Awareness

At the farm we have a nature specialist who will guide and teach you the awareness of sustainable living. We will show you how to grow some plants and educate you on how we can live better sustainably.

More about camp!

  • Beginners - advanced skateboarders aged from 6 - 15 years.

    Campers will be grouped by age/skill level with advanced skateboarders having the opportunity to work on their leadership skills.

  • Participants will spend 3 days parents-free* immersed in nature, art and skateboarding under the supervision of our coaches and camp counsellors.

    From stretching and training to recovery, our coaches give campers the support they need to progress their skills, build self-confidence, and form community through the sport they love.

  • This is an idea of what camp will be like.

    Day 1

    Morning - Arrive at camp & camp briefing

    - Stretching and Skate Clinic

    --------- Lunch

    Afternoon - Skate art

    - Coaches Demo & Skate Games

    --------- Dinner

    Evening - Campfire

    - Lights out by age group

    Day 2

    Morning - Breakfast

    - Stretching and Skate Clinic

    - Woodwork with

    --------- Lunch

    Afternoon - Nature Activity


    - Skate clinics (2D1N students leave)

    --------- Dinner

    Evening - Movie Night

    - Lights out by age group

    Day 3

    Morning -Breakfast

    - Free Skate

    - Skate competition

    --------- Lunch

    - Reflection and Awards

    2pm - Home

  • Cost: RM750 (3 days 2 nights)

    • Three meals a day
    • Air-conditioned Dorm lodging
    • Daily coaching
    • Recreational Activities
    • Transportation to and from Kiara Skatepark

  • Decks N Ducks Skatecamp is parent free, *parents who want to stay nearby can let us know and get details for the chalets next door to Dignity Farm, a short hike or bumpy ride away.

    Parents will be invited to take part during the final day.

    Campers are encouraged to take ownership and their teams will be given areas to be responsible for including their own teammates.

    Open areas of camp are always supervised

    Our Rule of Three protects campers from being alone with an adult

    Dorms will be chaperoned by at least one adult of the same gender.

    More details on the terms and conditions will be sent upon payment.

Don't miss out!


Skate Camp Date: 3rd -5th June 2023
3 Days 2 Night Skateboarding Camp experience
Price: RM750 (Cost include all activities, dorm accommodation, food & drinks)

Spaces are limited and booked upon payment only. Once registered, we will contact you with payment terms.


Skate clinic


Games 4 Groms